Each hotel interior design, apart from the visual side, must adapt to the existing technical conditions, which often determine the adoption of possible solutions. Konior Studio, designing the interior of the Diamond Plaza hotel in Katowice, together with Baranska Design, which was entrusted with the design of decorative lighting, faced the challenge of limiting the possible load on the glass roof of the restaurant. The assumption was that a large decorative chandelier was to be the focal point of the interior, which meant the need for a large number of glass elements, which in turn would require metal frames, together exceeding the permissible weight. The effect of a huge number of glass points was obtained by using huge planes of polished stainless steel on both sides of the walls, which acted as a mirror, while ensuring the safety of the guests sitting below. The construction of the metal canopy was mostly based on an openwork metal mesh, to which decorative glass elements were attached on thin steel cords. Only the LED light sources were placed in narrow boxes to hide all installation elements and wiring. The entire installation, almost 10 m long, gives the impression of lightness, in fact the chandelier is literally light and does not cause excessive deflection of the glass ceiling. At the same time, however, the composition fills the entire room, making a huge unforgettable impression on hotel guests.
Contact details
Baranska Design
Al Niepodleglosci 646
81-854 Sopot , Poland
Tadeusz Kostrzak, t.kostrzak@baranska.pl